Fans of The Walking Dead, Fantastic Bests and FANBOYS! rejoice because we have THE. DAN. FOGLER. coming to East Side Mags along with his friend and co-writer Laurence Blum!
Dan and Laurence will be here promoting their book Fish Kill from Heavy Metal as well as Dan’s horror anthology called Moon Lake!
Fish Kill is a love story wrapped in a modern noir that takes our hero, Detective Bart Fishkill, so far down the conspiracy rabbit hole that he starts to question his own sanity even to the point of wondering whether if he isn't the villain in the first place.
About Moon Lake: A mysterious portal into the bizarre and demented. Zombie dinosaurs, a mass-murdering high school cheerleader, and an interdimensional sasquatch trying to save his species from extinction. All created by the lunar radiation in the small town of Moon Lake.
Dan and Laurence will be here from 11:30am-2:30pm signing copies of their book and other stuff customers bring with them - HOWEVER - customers will be asked to buy a copy of either Fish Kill OR Moon Lake if they want other stuff signed.