Are you ready for the next stage in the evolution of the X-Men?
Children of the Atom UNITE! This is one midnight release that you DON’T want to miss!
Join us for the release of House of X #1! Check out the variants! See what Marvel creative team has in store for your favorite X-Men characters!
We’ll be showing the original 1990’s X-Men cartoon on our TV screens in the shop!
We’re also offering 20% off our back issues of ALL X-MEN books including the most recent run of Uncanny X-Men, Age of X-Man and so much more!
We’re also getting a SPECIAL visit from Jean Grey (Kaytee Kat Cosplay) and Rogue (Megara Hope Cosplay) themselves! Come say hi and meet your favorite cosplaying X-Men!
Doors open at 11pm. Come by, take grab some awesome back issues, grab a pic with your favorite X-Person and at midnight, let the House of X reign!!!