HCF2015 was a BLAST!  We had a ton of people turn out for an amazing event and gave out hundreds of FREE comics to kids, adults - anyone who showed up really!

We also had a costume contest and took LOTS of pictures!  You can see all the different costumes below:

We could only have ONE winner - FINN BUTLER and his Flying Jetpack Boy costume!  

Congrats Finn!




We also had a raffle for (4) Munsters POP Vinyl figures and the winner is...

Mike K.!



Last Saturday, East Side Mags exploded with delicious baked goodness!

Einhorn's Epic Cookies came out from NYC and the only word to describe the day is EPIC!

Writer Brian Smith (Stuff of Legend, Spongebob Squarepants), Artist Jacob Chabot (Mighty Skullboy Army, Hello Kitty) and Colorist/Letterer Steve Wands (Batman, Attack on Titan) were here in force to help promote these amazing cookies (with epic Unicorn comics inside) and sketch for their fans and newbies to the epic cookie community!  And they didn't just draw unicorns either!  Check out this awesome sketch cover by Jacob Chabot:

It was a packed house with all three guys and we had additional guests like co-creators Heather Einhorn and Adam Staffaroni and Mr. Einhorn (Heather's dad) HIMSELF!

Cookies were eaten and comics were signed.  Sketches provided on the spot for kids and adult fans alike!  Everyone even tried to sign a cookie with icing!

We all had a great time and a special THANK YOU to Simit House in Montclair for providing FREE hot chocolate to go with the cookies!

Cookies.  Comics.  Hot chocolate.  Unicorns.  Family and friends.  I don't think there is any better way to spend a Saturday afternoon in Montclair!

East Side Mags will be carrying a variety of cookie flavors from Einhorn's Epic Cookies moving forward and look out for more ESM/EEC announcements coming SOON!

*Photos provided courtesy of HSL Photography!  Thanks, Howie!  :)